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    Laura Stavlas

    So how do you woo your brand’s audience from mere dating into a lasting relationship? Increasing brand loyalty begins with addressing their needs and wants, while taking a deeper look into how to address their burning questions. Carefully consider how you will use your next campaign to better address these vital questions and watch your next campaign spark into brand love.

    The most important questions your brand’s audience wants to know are the following:


    1. Can I trust your brand? Why?

    The question of whether or not your audience will decide to trust you is probably the most important concern you will need to answer. So consider, what makes you worthy of their trust? You must address the discriminating criteria of believability. Why should they believe you? This is a good place to tie in your expertise, your experience and your reputation. While you’re at it, ask what others are saying about you. What is the verdict from the larger jury of reviews? Face the facts and adjust your message accordingly.

    When I asked Mihali Stavlas, the CEO and founder of Mellonaid, to explain how he would recommend increasing trust in your brand’s audience, he said:

    “Find out what they expect and always go beyond. The failure of a company to meet expectations is the number one reason why customers/users drop brands. Make sure you get to know exactly what they are asking for and carefully navigate their expectations. Seldom can you over-communicate; rather, most don’t go into detail upfront and regret it later. You may not always be able to deliver exactly what they are asking for, and in certain instances, you shouldn’t. But let the research and analytics drive your decisions. Give them what they need and help them see why they need it. When they get results, they will have a tangible feel for you delivering what you promised. And don’t forget to do it with a smile. Attitude is just as important when creating an impression.”


    2. Is your brand worth my loyalty? What’s in it for me?

    You can’t escape this question. Call it human instinct or survival of the fittest; people want to know what’s in it for them. Therefore, you must address the concept of value. Why is your product or service valuable to them? Why should they care? This is a good place to address questions that they didn’t think they had. Show them why you have what they need before they even realize they need it. Consider how you are offering the solution to their problems. Consider why your product or service is better. How will they be better off by choosing you? Make your message clear.


    3. What is unique to your brand?

    Here’s where you want to specify all the reasons your brand is better. Address the most significant question: Why? Why are you unique? Consider the story your brand carries. What’s in its message? And as you answer the above, don’t forget to highlight the most important aspect of all: Why choose you? What is unique to your product and service? If you haven’t already, develop an elevator pitch, where you can sum up all of the important qualities of your brand in under 2 minutes. Be ready to share it on a short call, brief conversation and of course in an elevator. Professional sales people do this. Why shouldn’t your entire team? If you’re developing this message, get your team involved in the brainstorming session. More eyes will help you to see from different perspectives and angles, which will yield a more persuasive pitch.


    4. What makes your brand better than the competition?

    You can’t escape the fact that there’s going to be competition for your audience’s attention and that you are competing with similar brands for their loyalty. So know who your competition is and what they offer. Do the research on them. Consider all the factors and qualities that would drive a client in your direction. Specify qualities that an audience will look for when brand shopping. Describe your expertise, experience, values, customer service—your team and your business culture.


    5. Why should I refer your brand?

    Here’s the telltale sign of a long-term relationship: if you have truly won over your audience, they will refer you to others. They will advocate for you. This is our biggest goal for each client at Mellonaid. Most of our clients are from referrals from current and past clients. But that’s not to say that we have done everything perfectly; we are constantly striving to go above and beyond each campaign. Yet, by building a relationship with our clients, we have created room for feedback. Likewise, as you build relationships with your audience, listen to them and deliver above what you promise. They will want to share the goodness of your brand with others. Ask for reviews. Ask for feedback. Ask what it would take to get their loyalty. Listen to them. They will respect your humility and the door will open for you to find out what it is that you need to reach a wider audience and keep them coming back to your brand.